The Exit Plan – Part 6

You did it. You finally left your hometown. Congratulations.

Despite the doubtful voices that rang through your ears, swearing that you could never do this under current circumstances, you’ve done it. You boarded that plane and never looked back.

Look at the friends you’ve created in a matter of 30 days. From Split to Helsinki, Amsterdam to Vis, Cork to Cayman, Gothenburg to Gibraltar, Austria to Philadelphia: These people have crossed your path for a reason. It may not feel this way right now, but trust me when I say that your life will never be the same. You’ve done the damn thing while people continue to daydream. Others wish for the tenacity to step away, and you fought through blood, sweat, tears, and heartbreak to get to where you are right now.

You did it.

Even as the words fill this page, your mind can’t help but wonder how the hell you’ve mustered up the courage to get to this exact place. Thousands of miles away, you found solace amongst chaos, peace through mayhem, and joy through sorrow. Your emotions were tested to the very limit, yet you still conquered and came out on top. Be very proud of yourself. This isn’t for the faint of heart.

Holding back tears, choking on your breath, you brought yourself back down to Earth when everything hit the fan. Your family and friends stepped in to encourage, push, and embrace every aspect of you. Despite the restless nights and apprehension that wreaked havoc on your nervous system, you were never truly alone.

Against all odds, you did it.

Much like Bourdain’s Parts Unknown, you’ve led with nothing but kindness, adventure, and an eagerness to learn. Your heart has been ignited with a spark that refuses to settle. You knew all along that your people were out there waiting to be found: People from every corner with something to share. People who bring just as much light as you do. People who have your back through thick and thin, regardless of external influence.

You found your people. You did it.

Forget about the ones who doubted you. The ones who placed stigmas on your talents. The ones who flipped a switch when things didn’t go their way. The ones who forced you to walk on eggshells. The ones who disappeared when you needed them the most. The ones who take, take, take with no sign of backing down. The energy vampires. The snakes in the grass preying on weakness.

You saw right through them.

Let this be your sign to get out and do the damn thing. No effort is weak. No success is small. No memory is wasted.

I hope one day you can look back on this experience with wisdom and ease. I hope you begin to see the light within. I hope you honor your mission to see every corner of this big crazy world. I hope you begin to believe in yourself. I hope that no matter what happens, you never forget who was there for you at your lowest. I hope you create the joy within yourself that you so deserve. I hope you understand the impact you have on the people around you.

Congratulations, once again. It is done.